Navy Shore exciting Washington DC Trip. Don't miss out request your training today!

Our Nations Pride. Cadets will embark on a 6 day training and tour our nations Capital. We have secured Tours of the White House, Capitol Hill, 8th & I Marine Corps Barracks Evening Parade, Pentagon Tour, Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the FBI. Wreath laying ceremony Tomb of the Unknown Solider. Other sites include Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, WWII Memorial, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, 9/11 Memorial Tour and Air Force Memorial, Fords Theater, National Archives , National Museum of American History, Holocaust Museum, National Museum of the Marine Corps Quanico VA. More tours to be scheduled. ****** Due to security clearance for certain tours a Government Issued ID card is required if you do not have a learners permit / drivers license please apply for a state issue ID through the DMV****** Security clearance for The White House additional information will be required and to follow.
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